For over a decade, Indyvideo has been a trusted partner of NFF, providing cinema and AV technology to ensure a seamless festival experience. Our work spans film control and logistics, as well as technical production at Kinepolis Jaarbeurs, Filmtheater Slachtstraat, Louis Hartlooper Complex, and Stadsschouwburg Utrecht. We also manage alternative content, from technical checks and inventory to distribution across festival locations. Throughout the festival, our team—including project leaders, technical producers, AV technicians, cinema technology supervisors, operators, and editors—works behind the scenes to keep everything running smoothly. At Stadsschouwburg Utrecht, this includes high-profile events such as red carpet premieres, the professionals program, educational initiatives, and the award ceremony.
Additionally, we handle the technical production of NFF in de Wijk, an initiative bringing the festival to Utrecht’s neighborhoods.
Photos by Jaime Korbee, Ramon Mangold, Lars Lensink, Marcelle Ohm and Momenttom